It isn’t the same…

I don’t really understand what’s running through my mind.
Is it those harsh words or is it the fact that I can’t talk to the person I really want to open up to.

Is he so uninterested that he doesn’t care anymore what I feel or is it just that he’s not free for me like he used to be.

Messages take hours to open, calls take eternity to be picked up.
Even though he does hold me tight on the terrace, there is a sensed distance which our eyes show when we say goodbye for the day.
The way his hands now touch me, the way his eyes meet mine, the way he talks and the way he replies back is so different that what it used to be. It’s like I know there is the spark, but he is like an insulator, doesn’t get affected at all!

Although the heart wants to believe it’s the same but somehow the mind sees the distance and gaps between his hugs and words. And then I know it isn’t the same…


Hey everyone! This is my first blog post and I will write down each and every little detail about me. I promise to be honest in everything I say.

Well something I’d like to share about me is that I love writing and want to write a book. But fortunately or unfortunately I have taken medical sciences and have a lot of time management issues. All the time you see I am with a book. Although I want to get into a very good college I don’t want to leave everything I love. Including writing. Managing time isn’t a very easy task and I have understood now.

Have anyone of you been in this ‘phase’? Would you like to give me some advices on whether to leave the plan for later? (The plan means writing the book)

What do you have to say about it????

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